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Writer's pictureShi Jie

[ KNIKNO HOUSE ] - Project 1a - Diagramming Architectural Principles

This first project is to investigate how spaces are created from the making of architectural elements: architectonics - solid, planes, lines and frames. In every architectural design, there must be certain design process going on before the final outcome, therefore, we are required to analyse a building by famous architect to look into the details of the design process which includes various design principles and elements.

This is a 6 persons group projects,

Group Members:

1. Yeo Shi Jie 0330176 ( me )

2. Ooi Zhi Hong 0331709

3. Lee Hue Chi 0330185

4. Ryan Lai Yew Jin 0330193

5. Natasha Najwa 0330498

6. Melissa Yap Su Mae 0330675


The idea of using pure and diagrammatic models to express the architectural idea would also be in cooperated into this assignment.

- Ability to identify architects and their works

- Ability to ‘diagram’ and analyse architectural work of selected architect

- Understanding basic architectural compositions of solids, planes, lines and frames.

We have been given the Knikno House, Petaling Jaya, ( Fabian Tan Architect ) to conduct our analysis.

Based on the building given, we have to produce a complete set of architectural drawings including site plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, axonometry, perspectives and so on.

The most important part would be producing a set of 8 analysis diagrams and 8 diagrammatic models (8 x 8 x 8 cm) based on our building.


1. Architectural Drawings & Boards Presentation:

2. 8 Diagram Analysis:

3. 8 (8x8x8)cm Models Presentation:

Overall Presentation Display:


This project allows me to understand the reverse process of design an architecture, and look into the design process with details by abstracting the diagrams for each of the hidden design elements and principles. It also helps me to understand more about how to design an architecture by implementing a series of design elements and principles.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGCs):

This group project helps me to realise lifelong learning as an important learning principles especially the diagramming principles that are useful for future design purposes and also utilise the skills learnt in my future. It also helps to develop my communication skills with my teammates as I have communicated appropriately with my teammates to produce an efficient outcome and avoid arguments. Also, it helps to explore my interpersonal skills as I have understood team dynamics and the strength and weaknesses of each of the members so that we work out together and assist each other in completing the project.

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