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Project 1: Research In Asian Architecture

Writer's picture: Shi JieShi Jie

The project is a group project ( 6 persons ) that requires students to investigate and discuss significant issues to generate a critical understanding of tradition, modernity and globalisation in the Asian architectural contexts. Students are required to present their findings in the form of a research poster and seminar presentation.

Group Members:

1. Yeo Shi Jie 0330176 ( me )

2. Ooi Zhi Hong 0331709

3. Lee Hue Chi 0330185

4. Ryan Lai Yew Jin 0330193

5. Natasha Najwa 0330498

6. Melissa Yap Su Mae 0330675


We are provided with a wide range overview of research area to choose from, and our group have chosen Heritage and conservation to conduct our studies.

1. Heritage and conservation

2. Vernacular & traditional architecture

3. Modernity in Asian architecture

4. Contextual Architecture

Our scope of studies focus on heritage conservation of stone monuments, in which we also carry out our research in Candi Borobudur, Center Java, Indonesia. We then looked into the environmental challenges that impose to the stone structures and how the provision of chemical substances can overcome the mentioned challenges holistically.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the historical development of vernacular architecture in the Asian region that responded to the indigenous contexts.

2. Interpret significant issues in relation to the development of contemporary Asian architecture based on themes of tradition, modernity and globalization.

This project is divided into 3 parts:

i. A4 Topic Proposal (10%)

- Research title

- Issues/problem statement

- Research questions

- Summary of research

- Concept mapping

- Reference list (APA Style)


PDF Link:

ii. A1 Research Poster (20%)

- Research title, group member names, Taylor’s logo

- Abstract and keywords

- Introduction/ Background (include research questions and literature review)

- Methodology

- Findings (with appropriate diagrams, charts, illustrations)

- Conclusion

- Reference list (APA Style)

Presentation Board Outcome:

iii. Seminar Presentation (20%)

- Introduction/ Background (include research questions and literature review

- Methodology

- Case study / findings

- Conclusion

- Reference list (APA Style)

Presentation Slides Outcome:


This project allows me to have in-depth understanding about heritage conservation, especially in stones structures and the methods to overcome any threads that can cause deterioration to stones. Also, the most important part is that I understand how contemporary architecture respond to its environment context. Overall, I have to learnt to appreciate heritage as part of the culture of each nations.

TGC ( Taylor's Graduate Capabilities ):

I have explored my thinking and problem solving skills throughout this assignment as I have think creatively to get the best solution for my project. I have developed communication skills as i have communicate well with my group members and tolerate each others throughout the project. Lastly, the most important is the digital literacy as the project requires certain software and computer editing skills to complete.

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